1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(11475132):球床钍基熔盐堆有内热源多孔介质堆芯热工水力特性的实验和理论研究,课题经费96万,课题负责人;
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(11105103):行波堆增殖-燃耗波机制的数值计算研究,课题经费29万,课题负责人;
3. 教育部博士点基金(20110201120046):行波堆时空相关中子动力学-燃耗精细耦合计算研究,课题经费4万,课题负责人;
4. 国家重点实验室基金(HT-LW-02-2014001):板状燃料元件热工、机械及材料耦合分析程序开发,课题经费25万,课题负责人;
5. 中广核工程公司服务合同项目(20140603):核电厂安全壳喷淋效果试验与数值计算专题采购项目,课题经费171.927万,课题负责人;
6. 广核工程公司服务合同项目(20130527):ACPR1000+堆坑通风散热计算研究服务合同,课题经费36万,课题负责人;
7. 环境保护部核与辐射安全中心(20140713):10MW钍基熔盐实验堆安全热工限值研究,课题经费35万,课题负责人。
1. Zhang DL, Rineiski A, Wang CL, et al. Development of a kinetic model for safety studies of liquid-fuel reactors [J]. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2015, 81: 104-112. (SCI: CG2FN, EI: 20150500483257, IF: 1.119)
2. Zhang DL, Zheng MY, An HZ, et al. Numerical studies of stepwise radial fuel shuffling in a Traveling Wave Reactor [J]. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 2014, 57(6): 1229-1237. (SCI: AI3GQ, EI: 20142817914314, IF: 1.113)
3. Zhang DL, Chen XN, Flad M, et al. Theoretical and numerical studies of TWR based on ESFR core design [J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2013, 72: 12-18. (SCI: 170HO, EI: 20132516431747, IF: 3.59)
4. Zhang DL, Chen XN, Gabrielli F., et al. Numerical studies of axial fuel shuffling [J]. Fusion Science and Technology, 2012, 61: 287-292. (SCI: 883BR, EI: 20121014832580, IF: 0.591)
5. Zhang DL, Chen XN, Gabrielli F., et al. Numerical studies of nuclear traveling waves in a supercritical water cooled fast reactor [J]. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2011, 53: 806-813. (SCI: 854JE, EI: 20114214438281, IF: 0.879)
6. Zhang DL, Qiu SZ, Su GH, et al. Development of a Safety Analysis Code for Molten Salt Reactors [J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2009, 239(12): 2778-1785. (SCI: 537IN, EI: 20094812501185, IF: 0.952)
7. Zhang DL, Qiu SZ, Su GH, et al. Development of a steady state analysis code for a molten salt reactor [J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2009, 36(5): 590-603. (SCI: 447IS, EI: 20091612040328, IF: 0.96)
8. Zhang DL, Qiu SZ, Su GH, et al. Analysis on the neutron kinetics for a molten salt reactor [J]. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2009, 51(4-5): 624-636. (SCI: 438QI, EI: 20091412017219, IF: 1.119)
9. Zhang DL, Qiu SZ, Su GH, et al. Steady state investigation on neutronics of a molten salt reactor considering the flow effect of fuel salt [J]. Chinese Physics C, 2008, 32(8): 624-628. (SCI: 337GJ, IF: 1.313)
10. Zhang DL, Qiu SZ, Su GH, et al. Steady thermal hydraulic analysis for a molten salt reactor [J]. Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2008, 19(3): 187-192. (SCI: 344EV, IF: 0.401)
11. Zhou JJ, Zhang DL, Qiu SZ, et al. Three dimensional neutronic/thermal-hydraulic coupled simulation of MSR in transient state condition [J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2015, 282: 93-105. (SCI: CA5PY, EI: 20150200405523, IF: 0.952)
12. Guo ZP, Zhang DL, Xiao Y, et al. Simulations of unprotected loss of heat sink and combination of events accidents for a molten salt reactor [J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2013, 53: 309-319. (SCI: 098LJ, EI: 20141517553855, IF: 1.02)
13. Xiao Y, Zhang DL, Guo ZP, et al. Numerical analysis for a molten salt reactor in the presence of localized perturbations [J]. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2012, 60: 61-72. (SCI: 000LB, EI: 20123215311336, IF: 0.879)
14. Chen XN, Zhang DL, and Maschek W. Theoretical modeling of radial standing wave reactor [J]. Fusion Science and Technology, 2012, 61: 275-280. (SCI: 883BR, EI: 20121014832578, IF: 0.591)
15. Chen XN, Zhang DL, Maschek W, et al. Solitary breeding/burning waves in a supercritical water cooled fast reactor [J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2010, 51: 1792-1798. (SCI: 607NP, EI: 20103213134718, IF: 3.59)
1. Zhang DL, Guo ZP, Wang CL, et al. FLUENT-based Neutronics and Thermal-Hydraulics Coupling Calculation for a Liquid-Fuel Molten Salt Reactor, The 10th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-10), December 14-18, 2014, Okinawa, Japan, NUTHOS10-1145.
2. Zhang DL, Zhai ZG, Rineiski A, et al. COUPLE, A Time-Dependent Coupled Neutronics and Thermal-Hydraulics Code, and its Application to MSFR, Proceedings of the 2014 22nd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE22), July 7-11, 2014, Prague, Czech Republic, ICONE22-30609.
3. Zhang DL, Zhai ZG, Chen XN, et al. COUPLE, A Coupled Neutronics and Thermal-Hydraulics Code for Transient Analyses of Molten Salt Reactors, 2013 ANS Annual Meeting - Next Generation Nuclear Energy: Prospects and Challenges, June 16- 20, 2013, Atlanta, GA, US.
4. Zhang DL, Chen XN, Flad M, et al. Theoretical and Numerical Studies of TWR Based on ESFR Core Design, International Conference on Nuclear & Renewable Energy Resources, 20-23 May 2012, İstanbul, TURKEY.
5. Zhang DL, Chen XN, Gabrielli F, et al. Numerical Studies of Radial Fuel Shuffling in a Travelling Wave Reactor, Proceedings of GLOBAL 2011, Dec. 11-16, 2011, Makuhari, Japan, Paper No. 392011.
6. Zhang DL, Rineiski A, Qiu SZ, Kinetics Models for Safety Studies of Fluid –Fuel Reactors, ANS Annual Meeting, June 28-July 2, 2011, Hollywood, US.
7. Zhang DL, Chen XN, Gabrielli F, et al. Numerical Studies of Axial Fuel Shuffling, 15th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, May 15-19, 2011, San Francisco, California, US.
8. Zhang DL, Chen XN, Gabrielli F, et al. Numerical studies of nuclear traveling waves in a super critical water cooled fast reactor, The Third International Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems (INES-3), 31 October – 3 November 2010, Tokyo, Japan.
9. Zhang DL, Rineiski A, Qiu SZ. Comparison of Modeling Options for Delayed Neutron Precursor Movement in a Molten Salt Reactor, 2009 ANS Annual Meeting, June 14-18, 2009 Atlanta, GA, US, Track No. 204658.
10. Zhang DL, Qiu SZ, Su GH, et al. Numerical Research on One-Dimensional Coupling of Physics and Thermal- Hydraulics for a Molten Salt Reactor, The 7th International Topic Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS7), Oct.5-9, 2008, Seoul, Korea, No.NUTHOS7-360.
11. Zhang DL, Qiu SZ, Su GH, et al. STEADY THERMAL HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS FOR A GRAPHITE-MODERATED CHANNEL TYPE MOLTEN SALT REACTOR, 16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE16), May 11-15, 2008, Orlando, Florida, US, No.ICONE16-48944.
12. Zhang DL, Qiu SZ, Su GH, et al. NUMERICAL RESEARCH ON STEADY COUPLING OF NEUTRONICS AND THERMAL-HYDRAULICS FOR A MOLTEN SALT REACTOR, 16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE16), May 11-15, 2008, Orlando, Florida, US, No.ICONE16-48096.
13. Zhang DL, Qiu SZ, Su GH, et al. Evaluation of Static Thermodynamic Properties of the Ternary Molten Salt System Li, Na, Be/F, Based on the Modified Peng-Robinson Equation[CD]. 15th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE15), April 22-2, 2007, Nagoya, Japan, No. ICONE15-10451.