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1. 中国聚变工程实验堆(CFETR)氦冷固态包层概念设计 2. 聚变堆包层中子学、热工水力、应力等多物理场耦合分析及整体优化 3. 聚变堆包层及其氦冷系统概念设计及安全分析 4. 等离子体与材料相互作用


1. Shijie Cui, Dalin Zhang, Jie Cheng, Wenxi Tian, G.H. Su. Numerical research on the neutronic/thermal-hydraulic/mechanical coupling characteristics of the optimized helium cooled solid breeder blanket for CFETR[J]. Fusion Engineering and Design, 2017, 114: 141-156.(SCI: 000393004700021, EI: 20165203191631)
2. Shijie Cui, Dalin Zhang, Qiang Lian, Jie Cheng, Wenxi Tian, G.H. Su, Suizheng Qiu. Evaluation and optimization of tritium breeding, shielding and nuclear heating performances of the helium cooled solid breeder blanket for CFETR[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(38): 24263-24277.(IF=3.582; SCI: 000412612300034, EI: 20173504096349)
3. Shijie Cui, Dalin Zhang, Qiang Lian, Wenxi Tian, Jie Cheng, G.H. Su, Suizheng Qiu. Development of a neutronics/thermal-hydraulic coupling optimization code and its application on the CFETR HCSB blanket[J]. Fusion Engineering and Design, 2017, 122: 139-152.
4. Shijie Cui, Dalin Zhang, Jian Ge, Jie Cheng, Wenxi Tian, G.H. Su, Suizheng Qiu. Development and application of a neutronics/thermal-hydraulics coupling optimization code for the CFETR helium cooled solid breeder blanket with mixed pebble beds[J]. Fusion Engineering and Design, 2017, 125: 24-37.
5. Shijie Cui, Dalin Zhang, Xinli Gao, Wenxi Tian, G.H. Su, Suizheng Qiu. Conceptual design and comprehensive optimization analysis of a fusion-fission hybrid reactor water-cooled pressure tube blanket[J]. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2018, 103: 8-19.
6. Qiang Lian, Shijie Cui, Wenxi Tian, Jing Zhang, Dalin Zhang, G.H. Su. Preliminary accident analysis of Loss of Off-Site Power and In-Box LOCA for the CFETR helium cooled solid breeder blanket[J]. Fusion Engineering and Design, 2017, 118: 142-150.(SCI: 000400226900020, EI: 20171103431079)
7. Qiang Lian, Wenxi Tian, Shijie Cui, Suizheng Qiu, G.H. Su. Preliminary safety assessment on two LOCAs under ITER-like condition for the optimized CFETR helium cooled solid breeder blanket[J]. Fusion Engineering and Design, 2017, 121: 235-244.(SCI: 000411550100033, EI: 20173204019691)
8. Mingjun Wang, Di Liu, Yan Xiang, Shijie Cui, G.H. Su, Suizheng Qiu, Wenxi Tian. Experimental study of the helium flow characteristics in pebble-bed under the condition of CFETR's blanket module[J]. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2017, 100: 283-291.(SCI: 000409285200026, EI: 20172803935542)
9. 崔世杰,王杰,卢庆,张大林,田文喜,秋穗正,苏光辉. 基于MELCOR的HE-FUS3实验模拟及氦气冷却系统安全初步分析[J]. 科学技术与工程, 2015, 15(30): 23-29.

1. Shijie Cui, Dalin Zhang, Wenxi Tian, Guanghui Su, et al. The safety analysis of helium cooled blanket for CFETR with MELCOR [C]. The 7th Joint International Symposium on Nuclear Science and Technology, XJTU-UT-SJTU Joint Workshop, Xi’an, China October 12-15, 2014.
2. Shijie Cui, Dalin Zhang, Jie Cheng, Wenxi Tian, et al. Thermo-hydraulic analysis of two Chinese Helium-Cooled Ceramic Breeder TBM designs [C]. The Seventh China-Korea Workshop on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics (WORTH-7), Kunming, Yunnan, China October 14-17, 2015.
3. Shijie Cui, Dalin Zhang, Jie Cheng, Wenxi Tian, et al. Thermal-hydraulic analysis of the optimized helium cooled solid breeder blanket for CFETR[C]. Proceedings of the 2016 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE24), Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, June 26-30, 2016.(SCI: 000387190600020, EI: 20164703044760)
4. Shijie Cui, Dalin Zhang, Jie Cheng, Wenxi Tian, et al. Theoretical research on the coupled neutronic/thermal-hydraulic/mechanical characteristics of the optimized helium cooled solid breeder blanket for CFETR[C]. The 5th International Conference on Nuclear and Renewable Energy Resources (NURER2016), Hefei, Anhui Province, China, 18-21 Sep. 2016.
5. Shijie Cui, Dalin Zhang, Xinli Gao, Wenxi Tian, et al. Thermal-mechanical analysis and optimization of the first wall for a fusion-fission hybrid reactor water-cooled pressure tube blanket[C]. The 18th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems (ICENES2017), Hefei, Anhui, China, 24-27 April 2017.
6. Dalin Zhang, Shijie Cui, Jie Cheng, Wenxi Tian, et al. Thermal and mechanical analyses of the CLAM steel in Supercritical-water cooled ceramic breeder blanket for CFETR[C]. International Workshop on Mechanics of Energy Materials (IWMEM 2017), Suzhou, Jiangsu, China, 8-11 Nov. 2017.
7. 崔世杰,张大林,程杰,等. 中国聚变工程实验堆氦冷固态包层中子学分析[C]. 第二届全国辐射物理学术交流会(CRPS’2016). 2016年7月19日-22日,中国兰州.
8. 崔世杰,张大林,程杰,等. 中国聚变工程实验堆氦冷固态包层物理热工耦合分析[C]. 全国新堆与研究堆第十届(2017)学术报告会. 2017年6月22日-23日,中国北京.
9. 连强,崔世杰,田文喜,等.基于RELAP5的中国聚变工程实验堆氦冷固态包层安全分析[C]. 中核核反应堆热工水力技术重点实验室2016年学术年会. 2016年11月16 -18日,四川成都.


1. 西安交通大学优秀研究生干部-2015.12
2. 西安交通大学2016届优秀毕业生-2016.06